Tova's Treasures


Welcome to Tova's Treasures!
Bear with us as we overhaul the site to offer you more products!

NOTICE: In the coming months I hope to offer new products such as non-jewelry items. The site will also be changing so don't be surprised if you come back and it looks totally different. So keep checking back often!



I’ve been making and selling jewelry for family and friends for several years. When a friend recently came to me looking for a chistmass present for his mother I decided to offer my talents for people like him.


My talents are not limited to jewelry. I learned to bind books in one of my art classes. Binding a book takes much longer than making jewelry but looks just as amazing. I can rebind books and make sketchbooks and notebooks.


I recently got a soldering kit from my parents for the holidays. As of now I am still learning how to use it and will hopefully be selling metal jewelry soon. I am also learning how to wood burn, which is great for plaques, again I hope to be offering this service soon too.



Online Deal
The beautiful center bead of this necklace is a Swarovski Crystal. With every purchase of $30 or more get a set (necklace, bracelet and earrings) with Swarovski Crystals in it half off.

Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list for sales and specials!

You can e-mail us at:

*Tova's Treasures * Connecticut*